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Empathy , coffee and a few survival tips from Joanie

That fresh roast smell permeating the air as life and thoughts swirl about between my brain and keyboard dancing from my finger tips and from within .

Inspiration has struck just as I was brewing this coffee. A motivational force that has helped to ignite both the best and the worst ideas that became the layered plot of my life .

I guess that is a great place to start at .. A proper introduction !

Hi , Call me Joanie and just now this light hearted read is brought to you courtesy of my innate need to write things down as well as to allow my thoughts to spill out with ease.

This might be a bit dull at times ,but since you are here welcome and let's get you fixed up with your very own cup off coffee.

Hot and Fresh just like us and how we are going to be in this new year! Happy 2024 ! Did you set any new intentions or resolution for the new year? Not so much ?

Yeah , I haven't either! Maybe you feel like I do ? Over-whelmed , still stuck in survival mode, numb from the overwhelming emotional wave brought on by the holidays?

For me it is a lot of those things and more.

Being single during the merry season definitely was a struggle. I survived by just being grateful every single day for all of the things. In each moment good or bad I looked for an opportunity to be grateful for the breath I held as I processed each moment. It sounds corny at first ,but having seen anxiety and insomnia dissipate , ability to focus increase I know it has helped .

Still it is an every moment endeavor , it is easy to get lost in the sauce and chaos of others and their thoughts and feelings . Knowing myself has allowed me to be empathetic but I am not sympathetic . Why are these things necessary to note as different ?

Empathy allows me the ability to offer understanding and support ..Like a donut to coffee , empathy sweetens the bitterness with understanding .

Sympathy is like a dried up plain bagel ,

It absorbs the bitterness .

That's what sorrow is . It doesn't soften or sweeten the bitter . It just absorbs the nasty tastes. (Pity) ugh ! the curdled cream of it all! The idle thoughts and prayers we receive when our circumstances or emotions make others uncomfortable and awkward between friends ,

Let us leave this behind and lead with empathy as that is the action needed to help weather life with positive actions . That is nowhere nearly as complicated as it might seem . Simply making a call or showing up is always the best place to start . I learned that all starts with me . I check in with myself and make sure if something is bothering with me that I am offering myself empathy as I work through that moment . I work to fill my mind and personal spaces with positivity . I own reality and then I look for solutions . I try to keep a clutter free mind , hence the need to write and caffeinate.

Stick around so that we can continue the conversation and practice empathy as we grow into 2024 and our greatest year yet !!

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